
This document is about the configuration data used within the Spoofax plugin. Go to the Spoofax Core documentation for more information on the project and language specification configurations.

There are currently four configurations:

  • Application configuration.
  • Project configurations.
  • Module configurations.
  • Facet configurations.

These configurations are persisted between IntelliJ IDEA sessions (in XML-files), and are marshalled to the JPS build plugin when it’s invoked.

Below I’m describing the application configuration, but the other configurations are treated and implemented very similarly.

Configuration State

The configuration state (the raw data) is represented by the MetaborgApplicationConfigState class. The state class may only contain simple types: numbers, booleans, strings, collections, maps and enums.

The default constructor of the state is used to initialize the state to its default value.


IntelliJ only persists the configuration state when it has changed from the default state.

The state must implement the equals() method to allow it to be compared to other states.

Configuration Interface

The configuration state may be very crude, as it contains only simple types. The IMetaborgApplicationConfig interface describes how the data can be accessed in a nicer way. This interface is used by both the IntelliJ IDEA and JPS plugins.

IDEA configuration

Asking for the IMetaborgApplicationConfig interface in the IntelliJ IDEA plugin will give you the IdeaMetaborgApplicationConfig class that implements the PersistentStateComponent<T> interface. The class has a @State attribute that indicates where the configuration is persisted. By persisting it to default locations, the configuration can be read from within the JPS plugin.

JPS configuration

In the JPS plugin asking for the IMetaborgApplicationConfig interface will give you the JpsMetaborgApplicationConfig class that reads the configuration back. Reading is automatically done through the MetaborgApplicationConfigDeserializer class.